Hero Siege Complete
Hero Siege Complete Bundle
Hero Siege: Complete Walkthrough (V-3.0) Posted on September 22, 2019 A complete walkthrough and Introduction of game’s mechanisms, UI, NPCs, and simply all you need as a Newbie, to start mastering the game. Hero Siege contains a wide arsenal of different enemies and bosses. The game holds over 30 unique crafted boss fights as well as enemies that vary in rarity and have special attacks. Higher rarity enemies give more experience and better loot, but are dangerous and harder to kill!

Hero Siege Complete Edition Free Download

- Added this to my wishlist, thanks for the info =-)
- This friday at 3PM EST, ill be giving away 3 free copies of hero siege on stream. (Im also doing a Diablo 2 item giveaway) but part of the giveaway is Hero Siege steam keys.
Original post from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofdiablo/comments/jfoixm/hardcore_free_item_giveaway_3_hero_siege_steam/ - 4 things...
1 graphics =no thanks
2 combat =arpg =a huge no thanks
3 Seasons,when I see that word the game goes into my auto disappear from memory list.
4 The world because the graphics are so low doesn't even look like a world,might as well just make a square box and spam kill everything.
Looks like a game from the early 90's.I would feel bad giving it a 1/5 because the devs didn't do anything to make a quality looking game,INDIE games put this to shame.
'Presentation' is 99% of the first look,it HAS to be on point.It is like would you walk up with your family to a store front and see a bunch of crack heads hanging out at the door,no you would instantly turn and walk away.Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.